Model Simulation

This model simulates the behaviour of Amsterdam V2G. In addition, the toggle bar allows to change some parameters, as the frequency of EV use, the capacity of the battery, or the month of the year use in the simulation (the default month is set to March).

The model reproduces the algorithms of Amsterdam V2G to direct the energy flows in one direction or another depending on the overproduction of electricity and the state of EV battery.

It also includes a “randomizator” of car use. The slider “EV threshold” allows to modify how much the EV is used from, 6 (very frequently) to 10 (never).

Hit simulate to run the model; you can change the lenght of the simulation in settings, resize the results screen clicking overĀ  resize, and change in real time the sliders of the toogle bar enablinghere. For a more comfortable use, you can switch to the full screen mode.

The results are displayed in five tabs:

  • Production/consumption displays the curves of solar production and household consumption over the simulation time.
  • Flows displays the five main energy flows in Amsterdam V2G. Note how when unchecked “Direct solar”, the rest of flows are exclusive; two of them cannot happen at the same time.
  • Battery displays the capacity of the EV battery over time
  • Energy independence especifies the periods of time when the household runs on direct solar energy, or on V2G mode (including energy flows from the EV battery). The yellow and red line especifie the average of these two values. This means that the difference between orange and red lines is the added energy independence thanks to Vehicle to Grid.
  • EV absent? marks in green the space of time when the EV is not connected the the household network.